Webinar: Tell Congress to Fight Child Poverty Now
This event has been postponed — more details to come.
On March 11th, President Biden signed legislation that will do more to improve the lives of children than any other law in nearly 25 years. Children whose lives have been derailed by the pandemic will see immediate relief through child care, nutrition, education, and mental health aid. Most notably, the American Rescue Plan will cut child poverty by more than half this year alone.
Plus the bill’s one-year expansions to programs like the Child Tax Credit puts us on a pathway to end child poverty within a generation — if (and that’s a big if) we can finally make these long-needed improvements permanent and hold our leaders accountable to these ambitious goals.
Thankfully Champions for Children in Congress have already seized on this momentum by introducing bills that would do just that — offering proven and permanent solutions to end child poverty and codifying a target that will hold all of us accountable.
In this webinar, you will hear from First Focus Campaign for Children experts and Congressional staff who will explain how we can build a grassroots movement to get this done. Registration is extremely limited, so please register ASAP!