Creating Jobs and Supporting Homeless Students
Public schools kept nearly 800,000 homeless students in school during the 2007-08 school year with the support of the Education for Homeless Children and Youth program. The number of homeless students entering our classrooms continues to grow, and school districts need additional support to help these children and youth stay in school even though they have
lost their homes.
Since the beginning of the Great Recession, 26 states collectively report an increase of over 221,000 homeless students, or 50 percent. Although these children are at risk of health/mental health problems and are less likely to succeed in school, we know how to help them succeed.
As Congress considers a Jobs Bill, at least $100 million should be included to save/create nearly 3,300 jobs to address the continued increase in homeless children and youth – many of whom became homeless due to their parents’ job loss. With additional federal support, we can help thousands of homeless children continue in their education and achieve the American dream.
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