In support of the Student Testing Improvement and Accountability Act (H.R.4172)

FFCC Student Testing Improvement and Accountability Act GibsonLast week, First Focus Campaign for Children sent this letter of support for the Student Testing Improvement and Accountability Act (H.R.4172) to Congressman Gibson (R-NY) and Congresswoman Sinema (D-AZ). This bill offers a common sense solution to the over-use of standardized testing by amending No Child Left Behind so states are required to offer a standardized test only once every grade span (grades 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12) instead of in every grade from grade 3 through 8. This is a return to research-based practice that was in place before the 2001 passage of No Child Left Behind and is a significant step toward federal education policy that puts children first.

Education Letters and Correspondence

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