Coalition Launches New Website to Help Homeless Kids
First Focus Campaign for Children is partnering with several organizations working to address the growing number of homeless children in our country. Together these organizations have supported the Homeless Children and Youth Act of 2011 (H.R. 32), which was introduced by Congresswoman Judy Biggert. The coalition has created a new website where you can learn more about the bill and take action.
The Homeless Children and Youth Act of 2011 would align the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definition of “homeless” children with the definition used by the U.S. Department of Education. Enactment of this legislation would make all of America’s 1.6 million homeless children eligible for shelter and supportive services like meals and health care, as well as over 65,000 unaccompanied homeless youth. Currently, under the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition, nearly more than 700,000 homeless children are denied assistance they need.
The site contains testimonials from youth, children, and families as well as statements of support from school districts and service providers. In showing why Congress should pass the Homeless Children and Youth Act, nothing is more compelling than first-hand testimonials from homeless youth. Watch this video produced by the Alliance for Excellent Education and be inspired to take action now!
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