Webinar: How we can protect kids' health
Last week, the Supreme Court heard yet another challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — and with it, a threat to the 10 million kids covered by the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Thankfully — there are steps that we can take *right now* to protect children’s health. Hundreds of children’s advocates — like you — have already reached out to Congress asking them to stop playing political games with kids' health and now we have another exciting opportunity for you.
This Friday at 10 am ET, we’re teaming up with the amazing team at MomsRising, who is working to mobilize over one million members nationwide to take action for kids — and we want you to be there with us. Together, we’re hosting a brief webinar (seriously, 30 minutes) focused on ways that all of us can speak up to protect more than 10 million kids’ health coverage.
This session (think of it more like a coffee break with action steps) will feature stories from families impacted by CHIP and the ACA and provide tangible things that all of us can do right now — before it’s too late.