
Ted Cruz is Right

I don’t often agree with Senator Ted Cruz, which is why I didn’t rush to watch his CPAC address. But when I heard he’d led off by challenging the audience to stand on principle, I decided to watch the video. I’m glad I did, because from the perspective of children’s advocacy communications, Ted Cruz is right.Some housekeeping details first. No, I don’t agree that the President is siphoning hope out of America. And no, I don’t think Senator Bob Dole and Senator John McCain are empty suits.But when you move beyond the hyperbole, Senator Cruz’s speech offered three great...

In a Divided Congress, Bipartisan Vote Shows Senators Working together for Children

Last week, the Senate passed the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Reauthorization Act of 2013 (S.1086), sponsored by Senators Burr (R-NC), Mikulski (D-MD), Alexander (R-TN) and Harkin (D-IA), with an overwhelmingly positive 96-2 vote. This act of bipartisanship, which has become rare in the 113th Congress, reveals what is possible when policymakers work together in the best interest of children.First signed into law by George H.W. Bush in 1990, CCDBG is a federal initiative to help low-income working families pay for the high cost of childcare. More and more families require childcare because both parents work or...

The Washington State Legislature Should Mandate Counsel for Children

Currently pending in the Washington State Legislature is legislation that would made a significant stride towards improving the rights of Washington’s most vulnerable children.SHB 1285/SB 6126 would mandate legal representation for all children involved in the child welfare system that can no longer be reunited with their families.When a child enters into foster care, they have already experienced a great deal of trauma in their lives. Throughout their time in foster care, they often have to court proceedings where decisions are made that will affect the rest of their lives, such as where they will live and if...

First Focus Campaign for Children’s Top 20 Resources: Fighting for Children in 2013

Looking back over our work in 2013, First Focus Campaign for Children created a number of resources for child advocates, policymakers, the media, and the public highlighting both the challenges and opportunities that confronted children throughout the year.The following is a list of our top downloaded 2013 resources relating in children’s policy at the federal level: “Champions for Children 2013” (Ad – Child Advocacy): The First Focus Campaign for Children places a priority on supporting legislators who stand by our nation's children. Our Champions and Defenders of Children awards recognize the top 100 Members of Congress working to...

Strong Start for America's Children Act

Important legislation to increase children’s access to high-quality early education was introduced in Congress yesterday. First Focus Campaign for Children supports the Strong Start for America's Children Act, a bipartisan bill that will provide access to high-quality pre-kindergarten (pre-K) for low- and moderate-income children to ensure kindergarten readiness and create a continuum of early education for children from birth to age 5.The bill will create a state-federal partnership to fund preschool for four-year old children from families earning below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). A similar federal-state partnership can be found in the Children’s Health Insurance...

House Threatens Nutrition Cuts Again

Earlier this week, The United States of House of Representatives introduced a standalone nutrition bill to reauthorize programs that are a part of legislation that is commonly referred to as the Farm Bill. This legislation, The Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act of 2013 (H.R. 3102), impacts the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), The Supplemental Nutrition Education Program (SNAP-Ed), and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP).The House of Representatives failed to pass a full version of its Farm Bill, The Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013 in July. The FARRM proposal originally contained proposals for...

First Focus Campaign for Children Champions Efforts to Diminish Family Homelessness

By Radiah ShabazzThe severity of America’s homeless epidemic is one that is often misunderstood and overlooked. Across the country, homelessness continues to plague communities, with an unprecedented increase in the number of children and families finding themselves without stable living conditions. Though there has been increasing attention to this issue much has been done in efforts to combat the rise of homelessness as an epidemic in America, there is still room to increase awareness, gather support, and offer solutions on how to end child and family homelessness.Earlier this month the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) held

Homeless But Not Hopeless: Students Redefine What It Means To Be Homeless

Thirteen students sat in a circle around a conference table. They all looked like typical, mature college students. Well dressed, well-spoken, and confident, you would never have guessed that they all had experienced homelessness, and some of them are still facing it today.Moderated by Ms. Barb Dexter, the homeless education liaison for the Anchorage, Alaska School District, the students shared their personal stories about their experiences with homelessness at the recent Congressional briefing, Voices of Youth: A Discussion on Resilience, Homelessness, and Hope presented by the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth. This briefing...

Bill Attempts to Ban Seclusion and Restraint

What would you do if your child came home covered in bruises and cuts, maybe even a tooth knocked out? Oh, that’s a normal day for my child, you think, roughhousing on the playground, kids will be kids, that sort of thing. But what if you found out that those injuries were inflicted by a teacher?How about if you found out that your child missed history, math, and English class because she was locked in a room alone for three hours, with no bathroom breaks, no surveillance, and no supervision?In 2010, over 40,000 students experienced this sort of treatment...

Keeping a Focus on Children as Immigration Reform Hits the Senate Floor

With the Senate currently debating possible reforms to our nation’s immigration system, we at First Focus Campaign for Children, along with a host of other organizations, want to ensure that the interests and needs of children and families are met in the immigration reform bill (S.744).In a letter addressed to Members in the Senate today, our coalition of organizations stress the importance of an immigration bill that supports children and families. A number of Senators have offered positive amendments that will improve children’s access to a pathway to citizenship, as well as health, nutrition, and other supports. Standing in the...